Tripple R Services

Triple R Services for Your Business

Businesses today are full of cracks and holes where they lose existing customers and miss opportunities for new customers. On average, only 2 – 4% of prospective customers going to a website ever contact the business.

That means your business is missing out on 96 to 98% of the opportunities to grow your business and profits. Those opportunities go to competitors.

Before spending more money and time on things like website SEO, advertising, PPC, social media, and blogging to get MORE eyes on your website, let us help you seal the cracks and plug the holes in your business.

Our analysist can do an in-depth and detailed analysis on your business showing you exactly where the cracks are that need to be sealed and where the holes are that need to be plugged, They write a report which shows you the details of the cracks and holes. You can fix the crack and plug the holes or have us do it.

Our Triple R Services will help you seal the cracks and plug the holes, so your business becomes more efficient growing faster and stronger with MORE customers, MORE profits, MORE fun, and MORE positive impact.

Reputation Services

Build a 5-Star Reputation

In today’s online world, a business not getting reviews from 1% of their customers each month is not building an online reputation. Having a 5-Star online reputation is critical to your growth as a business in today’s market.

If you are not growing, your competitor is, and eventually you will go out of business if you are not growing. Building a 5-Star Reputation shows prospective customers your customers think you are exceptional.

Any business not having a minimum of 12% of their customers leave a review in a years’ time gives the impression they are not a good business even if the few reviews they get are all 5-Star reviews.

    • Do you know what to do to fix and improve your reputation with customers?
    • Do you know how to have 1% of your customers each month enthusiastically supporting you by leaving you a 5-Star Review?

Manage Your Reputation

Managing your reputation begins with training employees on the importance of maintaining your businesses good reputation and showing them how that is done.

For your business to have a stellar reputation does not automatically happen. It is something you must make happen by managing your businesses reputation.

    • Do you know how to manage your reputation?
    • Do you know what your reputation is from the viewpoint of the customers doing business with you?

Market Your 5-Star Reputation

Marketing your 5-Star Reputation helps you be recognized and appreciated with existing and prospective customers for the great job your business does. A business you can’t take pride in is not a fun business.

Putting the pride and excitement back in your business has rewards for customers, employees, owners, and the Burien community. Marketing your 5-Star reputation will put the pride and excitement back in your business.

    • How do you market your businesses reputation to bring you MORE customers?
    • How do you get MORE joy from owning your business?

Retargeting Services

Most of the time, it will take your business making 7 or more positive impressions on someone before they will do business with you. Search engines like Google make it easy for people to find your competitors.

MORE Positive Impressions

Our Retargeting Services continue making MORE positive impressions on prospective customers after leaving your website.

    • Are you relying on the ONE impression your website makes?

Top of Mind

Our retargeting services keeps your business top of mind with prospective customers after they visit your website so when they are ready to take action on their needs and desires for all your business can do for them, they do business with you instead of your competitor.

    • Once leaving your website, how do you bring them back, or bring them into your business?

Get the Coca Cola Effect

For decades Coca Cola has been one of the biggest advertisers in America selling something almost no one needs to spend money on. Once a customer, customers spend MORE money MORE often on Coca Cola products.

Most of Coca Cola’s marketing and advertising budget is spent on reminding customers of the experience had drinking Coca Cola beverages.

    • Does your business make the mistake of spending most of its marketing and advertising budget to get a new customer?

Relationship Services

People keep buying from a business who cares about them. Relationship services focus on customer loyalty and engagement creates strong, even emotional, connections between your brand and your customers.

Your business benefits by having a higher lifetime customer value with each customer, reducing marketing and advertising spend, and having customer buy-in helping you promote and grow your business by making fans of them.

    • What activities do you do to turn customers into friends and fans making you outstanding in the mind of your customer that your competitors are not also doing?

Triple R Services for Your Business

    • Reputation
    • Retargeting
    • Relationship

Our Triple R Services are the secret sauce behind our success and that of our exclusive, yet inclusive, cadre of clients who give us the honor of allowing us to help them grow their business and make a bigger impact in the Burien area.

Where to Begin

Once you submit your listing for inclusion in the directory:

    • Click on the Schedule a Call button

Schedule a 20-minute call between the owner of the business and the Burien Marketer to verify the information in your listing, get to know a little about each other, and find an area we can work on together.

    • Start building, managing, and marketing your 5-Star Reputation

Click here and download Your FREE GUIDE on Everything You MUST KNOW to get MORE customers, MORE sales, MORE profits, MORE joy, and have MORE fun by owning a business.

Burien, Normandy Park, and Des Moines Businesses - Get Your Listing*!

Who Can Get a Listing*

Businesses, organizations, and agents legally operating or doing business providing services within the city limits of Burien, Normandy Park, or Des Moines can get a listing* in the Community Business Stars Directory.

Businesses from outside the area that operate and do business in the area can also get a listing* in the Community Business Stars Directory.

How To Get a Listing*

Click on the button below for information on how to get your business or organization listed in the Community Business Stars Directory. The information there takes you step by step to list your business or organization in the Cummunity Business Stars Directory.

Listings* Being Removed

*Listings are at the discretion of Burien Marketer and can be removed without notice by Burien Marketer at any time. If removed by Burien Marketer, the business removed will receive a refund in the amount of what was most recently paid by the business being removed for their listing.