Welcome to the Community Business Stars Directory of Businesses, Organizations, and Agents Serving Burien, Normandy Park, and Des Moines.

What is The Community Business Stars Directory?

People working, living, visiting, playing, doing business in Burien – Normandy Park – or Des Moines, or making a recommendation of who in the area to do business with need to know who the best businesses, organizations, and agents (Business Stars) are that make the area a better place because those businesses are here.

Questions About Customer Reviews and Ratings of a Business

When looking up a business, pay attention to the customer ratings and reviews for a business and ask questions like this about those customer ratings and reviews:

  • How old are the customer ratings and reviews?
  • How many customer ratings and reviews is the business getting each month?
  • Make a guess and does it look like 1% (1 out of 100 customers) of the customers they do business with in a month are giving a customer rating and review of the business?
  • Does the business make such a positive impact in the community that customers are raving about things they do in the community in the customer ratings and reviews?
  • Does the business pay attention and respond to ratings and reviews showing what their customers think of them is important?
  • When the business gets a review lower than 4-stars, does the business try to resolve the issue with the customer?
  • Does the business make it easy to rate and review them and have customer ratings and reviews posted on the internet on sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, and others?
  • Does the business display customer ratings and reviews on their website pages making it easy to see and find the ratings and reviews?

Not all, but Some of The Business Stars you find in the Community Business Stars Directory are the best:

  • Storefronts
  • Restaurants
  • Offices
  • Warehouses
  • Home based
  • Network Marketing or Multi-Level
  • Internet based
  • Ecommerce
  • Who operate out of a car or a truck
  • Or any other kind of legal business, organization, or agent in the area or serving the area.

A Community Business Star is a business in the area who each month has a goal for 1% or more of the customers they do business with give a 4- or 5-Star Customer Review and Rating, and those businesses who are making improvements each month to reach that level of customer satisfaction.

In addition to the above, a Community Business Star is a business that contributes to the community in substantial and meaningful ways that make a difference. They go above and beyond things done to stay in business in order to make a positive impact in the community.

Send us a message telling us what qualifications other than the ones listed you think a business should have to be considered a Community Business Star.

Legal businesses, organizations, and agents can have a listing* in the Community Business Stars Directory. Be aware – many listed businesses do not qualify as a Community Business Star. Those who are, will often have a featured listing making it easier for you to know who the community business stars are and under the categories, there is a category for Community Business Stars.

A warning though, since businesses with a listing can log into their listing and list themselves in the category of Community Business Star, there may be a few listed there that do not really qualify to be there. We will attempt to clean things up when that happens but it is not something we have total control over.

It does not mean a business that does not qualify to be a Community Business Star is not a good business. We make no evaluation or judgment of any businesses other than the businesses we work closely with helping them make improvements to their business to better serve customers, their employees, and the community.

Businesses in one or more categories are added to the directory nearly each week. We only work closely with one business from each category in each city. Those businesses we work closely with are diligent at working hard to make the best impact and contribution possible in the community.

Keep checking back for new categories and listings*.

Why it is Important for You to Help Determine Who the Community Business Stars Are, and How You Do That

This is your community. Be proud of it taking an active role in determining who the community business stars are so others know as well.

It is up to you to put the Community Business Stars on the map. If the Community Business Stars you do business with are not in this community resource directory, tell them about it and suggest they get a listing*.

Properly utilizing the online rating and review process for businesses and organizations, you become an important ongoing part of determining who the Community Business Stars are that make the area a spectacular place to work, live, visit, play, do business, or make a recommendation of who in the area to do business with.

How To Give a Bad Rating and Review

Giving a bad rating and review, you play an important role as part of the process of identifying Community Business Stars. Bad reviews are as important as the good ratings and reviews.

Give your rating and review to inform others about your experience. If the business truly deserves bad reviews to warn the public, there will be others who leave a bad rating and review as well.

A Community Business Star is a business who cares about their reputation. They monitor the reviews left by customers so they immediately know when they need to fix a mistake and learn from the experience so they can be a better business going forward.

After having a bad experience with a business, if you give a bad rating and review sharing your bad experience with the public, keep in mind:

“To err is human; to forgive, divine.” Alexander Pope in 1711

Be human yourself and give them a chance to right the wrong after you leave your poor review and rating. No one is perfect all of the time, every-time. Do not expect them to be perfect when you are unable to be perfect all the time, every-time yourself.

A Community Business Star cares about you as much as they care about their reputation and will quickly be in contact with you after you leave a poor rating and review. They will want to know how they can do better in the future and how they can right a wrong.

“There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.” Josh Billings

After sharing an unpleasant experience by writing a poor review, do not go forth seeking revenge. Leave your rating and review and let that be it. Everyone is capable of making more than one mistake a month and dealing with the public day in and day out, a business is certainly capable of making mistakes.

If the business contacts you, give them an opportunity to make amends. If they make amends, update your review or write them a new review, a good review with a good rating. This helps the public know which businesses make an effort to make amends which is part of being a Community Business Star.

Your ratings and reviews matter. They help people in the area know and identify who the Community Business Stars are.

Burien, Normandy Park, and Des Moines Businesses - Get Your Listing*!

Who Can Get a Listing*

Businesses, organizations, and agents legally operating or doing business providing services within the city limits of Burien, Normandy Park, or Des Moines can get a listing* in the Community Business Stars Directory.

Businesses from outside the area that operate and do business in the area can also get a listing* in the Community Business Stars Directory.

How To Get a Listing*

Click on the button below for information on how to get your business or organization listed in the Community Business Stars Directory. The information there takes you step by step to list your business or organization in the Cummunity Business Stars Directory.

Listings* Being Removed

*Listings are at the discretion of Burien Marketer and can be removed without notice by Burien Marketer at any time. If removed by Burien Marketer, the business removed will receive a refund in the amount of what was most recently paid by the business being removed for their listing.