About Burien.CommunityBusinessStars.com

A Community Resource Directory

Community Business Stars is a community resource directory of local businesses, organizations, and agents located in Burien, Normandy Park, and Des Moines. Each listing in the community resource directory is phone verified with the owner of the business for accuracy of the information in the listing. After being phone verified, the business can update the information in their listing themselves.

The local businesses and professionals in small to medium sized cities are the economic backbone of a community. If you do not think this is important, see what happens to cities when that backbone breaks. Such communities make the news every year. Supporting Community Business Stars by doing business with them is supporting your community.

Vote with your dollars and reviews to support the best local businesses making contributions to the community beyond what most businesses of the same relative size contribute. When you do business with Community Business Stars, you are supporting the best local businesses in the community.

Pre-Launch and Launch

We are in the pre-launch phase for the community resource directory. We actively add verified businesses, organizations, and agents to the community resource directory in this phase almost every week.

We want to get some online reviews and ratings from users of the directory and the businesses listed who take advantage of our pre-launch offers. Online reviews and ratings are the best way for people to be informed about who the Community Business Stars are. We are earning our place for being a Community Business Star ourselves.

Launch Week is August 1st to 5th

Burien.CommunityBusinessStars.com will be the Premier Community Resource Directory for Finding the Best Businesses in Burien, Normandy Park, and Des Moines to do Business with.

When looking for a business to do business with, how do you know who to trust, who is going to be your best choice of the many to choose from?

When already doing business with a business, how do you know they are the best choice you can make for spending your money without spending more than you need to spend?

Burien.CommunityBusinessStars.com is where you will go to find the answers to these kinds of questions.

Mission of the Community Business Stars Directory

The mission of the Community Business Stars Directory is simple: Make the community a better place to live, work, play, and visit creating a strong bond between the businesses and people who live here.

It is our desire to create strong, healthy, profitable businesses and successful organizations by working with those who desire, or are already, making the greatest impact possible in the community. The more success these businesses and organizations have, the better the community gets.

Ownership & About Burien Marketer

The directory is owned by Burien Marketer, a division of Digital Marketing Arsenal, a private company. I, Mark Clayton, own Digital Marketing Arsenal.


  • Spent most of my life living in Burien.
  • Graduated from Evergreen Highschool in 1975.
  • Am an honorably discharged US Army Veteran after serving in Germany as a biological warfare defense specialist.
  • Graduated from the Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington.
  • Built 3 successful businesses from startup before this business.
  • Am personally mentored and trained by Chris Duncan as a Magnetic Transformation Coach helping people create an ELF (Easy, Lucrative, Fun) business so they can live an ELF (Extraordinary, Liberated, Fun) life. Chris Duncan is one of the world’s leading authorities pioneering work in superconscious brain functioning, and reprogramming the brainwaves, to overcome the limitations and trauma created in the brain keeping you from creating the dream life you desire and love.
  • Invested a small fortune updating my knowledge and skills over the past 10 years to put me at the forefront of the shifts taking place in the world as it increasingly becomes a digital online world.
  • Enjoy living an ECNM** life I keep loving more each year since 2006 and am known as Non-Monogamous Mark online for my work as a Magnetic Transformation Coach helping those interested in living an ECNM** life transform their lives to one they keep loving more. **ECNM = Ethical and Consensual Non-Monogamous, or as I used to think when living my increasingly religious Christian life from the age of 14 to 44, a perverted devilish sinner because I dare to enjoy my life more in ways my old life condemned and considered bad and wrong.
  • Live part of each year out of the US and travel extensively. I am often away. I conduct all my business online and on the phone from wherever I am.

Business Model

Taking some lessons from one of my business hero’s, Thomas Monaghan, for creating an opportunity for others to succeed in business, Burien Marketer is a business model I developed which will be expanded in hundreds of cities in the US and other countries helping tens of thousands of businesses and communities around the globe.

The world today is not the same world it was when I went to college. We are at the cutting edge of a modern-day business transformation making communities and individual lives better.

Finding and Plugging the Holes Most Businesses Have

As Burien Marketer I find and plug the holes where businesses are not optimizing money spent to grow their business.

Nearly all businesses have holes causing inefficiencies for growing their business and maximizing the businesses growth and profitability. Most businesses do what they know to do, which is to keep doing the same things they always did. As times change, doing the same things as before becomes increasingly inefficient which throws good money after bad.

An example of this is the average business only manages to turn 2 to 4% of the visitors to their website into customers/clients/patients. Imagine if 96 to 98% of the people walking into your business each month walked out the door without ever becoming a customer and spending any money with you. In today’s online world, that simply is not acceptable, but it is reality for most businesses.

When business turning 4% of their website visitors into customers plug some of the holes to turn 10 visitors out of 100 into customers, instead of 4 out of 100, the result is a 250% gain in revenues which usually translates into a 500% gain in profits. Can your business use a five-fold increase in profits? Our Triple R Services can get you there.

I spent years developing the Triple R Services and Strategies combining them with cutting edge proprietary tools automating as much as possible and the use of Overseas Foreign Workers to make affordable for our cadre of clients what was not affordable before with anyone else.

My agency uses deep research and analysis analyzing various aspects of a business to find the holes which are on the surface and hidden under the surface. The findings are provided to the business owner in detailed reports along with solutions for optimizing the business.

Using these reports, the business owner can plug the holes themselves to be a Community Business Star, they can hire us to do it for them, or they can choose to do nothing. I apply a unique marketing engineering and automation approach to do the job faster, better, and reducing the cost and risk to clients.

The alternative for those who do not join my cadre of clients, or simply can’t because we already have a client in the city in their field, is to stand by admiring the growth and success of the clients we work with and the impact they make in the community.

An Exclusive and Inclusive Cadre of Clients

Taking advantage of automation, online tech, and overseas outsourcing, I make my quantifiable results-based services so affordable clients of any size can’t afford not to join our exclusive and inclusive cadre of clients.

We carefully select the businesses, organizations, & agents we do business with. We only do business with ONE from each category per city. Very often, it is the first to sign on with us and stays with us for the long term that reaps the greatest rewards from our Triple R Services and Strategies along with the many other services we offer.

We have clients benefiting from our exclusive products and services who do not compete with each other. In fact, we encourage networking and cooperation between our cadre of clients helping one another grow their business knowing they are not direct competitors with each other.

Businesses working with us in the long term create an ELF (Easy, Lucrative, Fun) business so they can create an ELF (Extraordinary, Liberated, Fun) life maximizing their growth, profitability, and contribution to employees – customers – the community – and to owners.

Chances are good that your competitors are not going to be playing in the same league when a business or professional joins our cadre of clients.

Full-Service Marketing and Consulting Agency

As a marketing agency, we do all the things most agencies do like ad creation and placement, video marketing, email marketing, social media posting and marketing, website overhaul and creation, SEO, GMB now GBP, PPC, funnel creation, and so much more like many marketing agencies do.

Giving Local Business Clients a Big Edge Over the Competition

What sets us apart is our use of research, analysis, overseas talent, customization, automation, and so much more which is normally reserved for large corporations. We give local business clients an edge by making our scientific and engineering approach to business affordable for the small to medium sized businesses doing business with us.

The Burien Marketer Apprentice

In the Fall, I will look for, hire, and train a Burien Marketer Apprentice to provide added help and support for area businesses and professionals who desire to be a Business Star.

My Marketers Apprentice program is a fantastic opportunity for a business and community minded individual who never had the opportunity to go to college but has a thirst for learning and knowledge to apply themselves to a career where they have superior earning opportunities for helping local businesses grow.

The person chosen as my apprentice will receive full training. I am looking for someone who is a bilingual Spanish speaking resident living in the area. Following in the example of Thomas Monaghan, the apprentice can even be a high school student in their final year of high school when they join the team as my apprentice. The person hired can eventually become a partner owning part of the company.

The Burien Marketer Apprentice will be the ‘boots on the ground’ helping local businesses. If you know someone who could be a good apprentice, have them email me: Mark@DigitalMarketingArsenal.com.

Burien, Normandy Park, and Des Moines Businesses - Get Your Listing*!

Who Can Get a Listing*

Businesses, organizations, and agents legally operating or doing business providing services within the city limits of Burien, Normandy Park, or Des Moines can get a listing* in the Community Business Stars Directory.

Businesses from outside the area that operate and do business in the area can also get a listing* in the Community Business Stars Directory.

How To Get a Listing*

Click on the button below for information on how to get your business or organization listed in the Community Business Stars Directory. The information there takes you step by step to list your business or organization in the Cummunity Business Stars Directory.

Listings* Being Removed

*Listings are at the discretion of Burien Marketer and can be removed without notice by Burien Marketer at any time. If removed by Burien Marketer, the business removed will receive a refund in the amount of what was most recently paid by the business being removed for their listing.